I don't know if the clocks are ticking faster or if I am missing out on some fun-you know they say time flies when you are having fun, anyway time is going somewhere. I can't believe Thanksgiving is less than a week away and Christmas just around the corner. No matter the day, it seems that mine stay way too busy. I feel many days that I am on a roller coaster and can't get off. It's already Saturday night and this time last week we had just gotten home from visiting Cari, Mark, and Calloway. Notice Cari's name is first on the list, well there is a funny story behind that (I'll try to keep as short as I can), so bear with me as I share. After we were there in October I looked at the calendar and realized it would be 11 weeks before they would be home for Christmas (they are going to Alabama for Thanksgiving), and so upon mentioning this to Jim, he said "well we might have to figure out a weekend when we can run back down there." Of course we all know why.... to see Calloway! Anyway, so I talk to Cari and she said whenever, just let her know. So I mention the 15th, Jim says, "Oh, I think I'm on duty (at work) that week, what about the 8th?" I said well, that's only 4 weeks, and then it would be 7 before we got to see Calloway, she might be walking by then. I asked if he could trade weekends, he didn't know. In the meantime I had asked Cari, and she said the 15th was fine. So, a few days later I am on the phone with her, find out they have a choir retreat that morning, but we could babysit if we want to---da!!!, anyway so I tell her about duty, etc., and Jim walks over and says, "Oh, I've already traded duty weeks and I'm going to take off at noon so it won't be so late when we get down there." That way "I" could see "Cari" more, since she would be gone Saturday morning!! Yea, right! I'm not completely crazy! Then a few days later he asks me what time I wanted to leave, would 10 am be ok? I'm confused, how can he take off work at noon and us leave at 10? I said, "I thought you were taking off at noon", well, he decided he could take off ALL day, go deer hunting early and then us leave by 10, so we could be to Cari's about the time "she" got home from school! I said sounds good to me. Well as anyone should be able to see, it wasn't so much that we needed to get down there that early for "me to spend more time with Cari", but for you know who to see Calloway more! He just thinks he's got people fooled. But, truly I am so glad she has him wrapped around her "hand", they are so cute together. I think he now realizes how fast they grow up and he doesn't want to miss it so much. He was always busy when our girls grew up, and didn't have a lot of extra time to spend with them. He was a good dad, and he's making a great Poppy! They say grandkids changes things and she has him. I can't believe she's almost a year old. I guess that's Life in the Fast Lane...
It's not just you feeling the time go so fast...ha ha It really is sad how fast it goes and how much we miss. It's true..the older you get the fast it feels! I love your stories! You guys are such great grandparents... Happy late Thanksgiving...
You're a winner!!! :)
I already have your address, so Robin is sticking it in the mail today!
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